Quality, Trustworthy CBD

Did you know? Not all vendors are the same.

There are CBD vendors all over the country claiming that they have quality CBD. Here's how to pick the quality ones from the bogus ones:


1. No outrageous "heal all" claims.

Cannabis is a wonderful plant, but there is yet to be any government approved research to show that it can cure or completely eliminate disease. CBD is a complimentary aid to things that do, it falls under the same category as vitamins and supplements.

2. It costs as much as a well-made supplement would.

Cannabis is expensive to maintain, tricky to grow, and requires a lot of legal work in order to be able to sell. If a vendor is selling CBD with too good to be true prices, you are not getting the amount of CBD per bottle that you need, or it was extracted poorly, using harsh chemicals and toxins.

3. Up front about CBD levels.

Some companies like to put flavor or scent in their oils. This may take up unnecessary volume in the bottle and may reduce the amount of CBD you are receiving without changing the price. Bottles should be clearly marked with the percentage and volume of CBD in each oil.

4. No extra ingredients. 

To make CBD oil consumable you need two things: the CBD, and something to carry it (in our case, we use organic MCT oil. You can read about why here.) There is no need for other ingredients.

5. Lab results are readily available

A company can tell you what they have in their CBD, but they must also show you. Lab results are the most reliable way to see everything they put into their CBD and most importantly: how much THC is really in their CBD. (Check our lab reports here.)

6. THC levels

THC is the psychoactive component notoriously found in marijuana. Although there are many medical benefits such as increasing appetite and preventing nausea and vomiting in cancer patients, some people don't want THC in their products, in which case we got you covered!  You can check our lab and THC reports here.

7. Alcohol or CO2 only during the extraction process. 

The hemp or CBD used to make CBD products first needs to be extracted from the hemp plant. This process is done in the lab and under careful supervision. Quality vendors use alcohol or CO2 to perform the extraction since neither leave any trace by the end of the process. (Read about our process here.)

8. Transparent about farm or growing source. 

Not just anyone with land can grow hemp. Hemp is a very active absorber--it absorbs everything from the soil, good and bad. Hemp farms need to be safe and need to frequently test for toxins, pesticides, and even bacteria. (Read about our farm here.)
Here at Rehoboth Roots, we are proud of every bottle we produce. A lot of hard work and conscientiousness is put into each one before it is sealed.  We opened shop to share as much of it as possible with loved ones. And we did! After just two years of business, we were able to scale and create a website to meet the demand. From dozens of loyal customers and even more positive reviews, we can assure you that our CBD is the best in the market. 
But we don't expect you to take our word for it, and you should not--we want you to make that decision yourself.  Shop our products today.